
Upcoming Activities

Family Fun Festival:
October 31st | April 10th 2023

Camps: Sports / Dance / Arts & Crafts
November 1-4th | April 11-14th 2023

Sportslife International Camps runs multi-sport camps throughout the year during school holidays. These camps are open to children ages 5-14, and are held at the Trinity Comprehensive Secondary School on Main st in Ballymun. Our camps are Arts & Crafts, Dance and Sports – Sports include 1 hour sessions of basketball, football and assorted games, as well as fitness in their appropriate age group. Camp time is: 11-3:30pm, with a lunch break in the middle. At the end of each day there is a presentation with prizes.

Coaches are from the community. Children are taught basic skills, as well as sportsmanship and teamwork. SI has daily competitions, matches and giveaways, with prizes for the winners, as well as end of day / week prizes. At SI, we believe and teach that ‘everyone’s a winner – just as they are’!

Contact Coach Dan via email: [email protected] if you and/or any people group would have interest in possibly serving alongside us in any of our camps (sports, dance or arts/crafts) in 2023 – April 10-14, August 7-11, October 30-Nov. 3.